Japanese Vocabulary


1. Attention!: Kyotsuke
2. Bow: Rei
3. Begin! Hajime
4. Stop!: Matte
5. Practice hall for judo: Dojo
6. Teacher: Sensei
7. Sitting on knees: Seiza
8. Sitting crossed legged: Anza
9. Following foot walking: Tsugi Ashi
10. Normal walking: Ayume Ashi
11. Judo uniform: Judo Gi
12. Judo practitioner or player: Judoka
13. Person performing technique: Tori
14. Person receiving technique: Uke
15. Left: Hidari
16. Right: Migi
17. Falling methods or ways: Ukemi
18. Falling methods to the rear: Koho Ukemi
19. Forward rolling falling: Zempo Kaiten Ukemi
20. Free practice: Randori
21. Formal pre-arranged routine practice: Kata
22. Tournament: Shiai
23. (Straw, Japanese) judo mats: Tatami
24. Hold-down! (referee’s call): Osae Komi
25. Hold-down broken! (referee’s call): Toketa
26 One point! (referee’s award): Ippon
27 Almost ippon!(referee’s award, 1/2 point): Waza Are
28 Near waza-ari! (referee’s award: Yuko
29 Near yuko! (referee’s award): Koka
30 That is all! (referee’s call): Sore Made
31 Sixth class (kyu) judo rank: Rokkyu
32 Yes!: Hai
33 No!: Iie
34 Please: Onegai Shimasu
35 Thank you: Domo Arigatoo
Rokyu stop here
Gokyu and up continue
36. Note! (referee’s call for slight penalty): Shido
37. Caution! (referee’s call for moderate penalty): Chui
38. Warning! (referee’s call for severe penalty): Keikoku
39. Loss by rule violation (referee’s call): Hansoku Make
40. Decision! (call by referee for judges’ decision): Hantei
41. Don’t move! (referee’s call): Sono Mama
42. Continue! (referee call): Yoshi
43. Fundamental natural posture: Shizen Hontai
44. Fundamental defensive posture: Jigo Hontai
45. Off balance: Kuzushi
46. Entry into a throw: Tsukuri
47. Execution of a throw: Kake
48. Sweeping action done with the leg: Harai or  Barai
49. Reaping action done with the leg: Gari
50. Dashing (or hooking) action done with the leg: Gake
51. Springing action done with the leg: Hane
52. Throw (noun): Nage
53. Technique(s): Waza
54. Throwing technique(s): Nage Waza
55. Hand: Te
56. Hand techniques: Te Waza
57. Foot or Leg: Ashi
58. Foot techniques: Ashi Waza
59. Big or major: O
60. Little or minor: Ko
61. Waist or hip: Koshi or Goshi
62. Waist or hip techniques: Koshi Waza
63. Major hip throw: O Goshi
64. Outside: Soto
65. Inside: Uchi
66. Major outside reaping throw: Osoto Gari
67. Internal force or spiritual energy: Ki
68. Shout to gather inner strength: Kiai
Gokyu stop here
Yonkyu and up continue
69. Decision win! (referee’s award): Yusei Gachi
70. Draw match! (referee s award): Hiki Wake
71. A full point by adding two waza-ari scores: Waza Ari Awasete Ippon
72. Grappling techniques: Katame Waza
73. Techniques from a supine position: Ne Waza
74. Holding techniques: Osaekomi Waza
75. Choke: Shime or Jime
76. Choking techniques: Shime Waza
77. Joint locking techniques: Kansetsu Waza
78. The principle of gentleness or giving way: Ju
79. Way of life: Do
80. Gentle way: Judo
81. Gentle arts: Ju Jitsu
82. Favorite technique: Tokui Waza
83. Way of the warrior: Bushido
84. Martial arts: Budo
85. Class of belt ranks in judo below black belt: Kyu
86. Step or degree in the black belt ranks: Dan
87. Holder of any black belt rank: Yundansha
88. Holder of any rank below black belt: Mudansha
89. Black belt association: Yudanshakai
90. Repetition attack practice without throwing, Uchi Komi
done with partner:
91. Alternate throwing practice without resistance, Sute Geiko
done with partner:
92. Solo practice: Tandoku Renshu
93. Practice in pairs: Sotai Renshu
94. Practice in general: Keiko
95. Fourth class (kyu) judo rank: Yonkyu
96. Kneeling bow: Zarei
97. Standing bow: Ritsurei
98. Knee: Hiza
99. Lock or Hold: Gatame
100. Wheel: Guruma
101. Side or lateral: Yoko
102. Fifth class (kyu) judo rank: Gokkyu
103. Formal eight directions of off-balancing: Happo No Kuzushi
Yonkyu stop here
Sankyu and up continue
104. Third class (kyu) judo rank: Sankyu
105. Second class (kyu) judo rank: Nikyu
106. First class (kyu) judo rank: Ikkyu
107. Meditate! (command at close of class): Mokuso
108. Five stages of throwing techniques, the basic Gokyo No Waza
syllabus of Kodokan Judo:
109. Newly certified throwing techniques of Shinmesho No Waza
Kodokan Judo:
110. Instantaneous promotion: Batsugun
111. Sacrifice: Sutemi
112. Throwing from a standing position: Tachi
113. Throwing techniques done by falling on one’s Sutemi Waza
back or side:
114. Back falling sacrifice throws: Ma Sutemi Waza
115. Side falling sacrifice throws: Yoko Sutemi Waza
116. Striking techniques to vital areas: Atemi
117. Judo uniform belt: Obi
118. Judo uniform jacket: Uwagi
119. Judo uniform pants: Zubon
120. Judo uniform sleeve: Sode
121. Judo uniform lapel: Eri
122. Illegal act of locking the legs around the torso Dojime
of an opponent:
123. Warm-up exercises in judo: Junbi Undo
124. Cooling-off exercises in judo: Shumatsu Undo
125. Exercises in general: Taiso
126. Variation (of a technique): Kuzure
127. Counter technique: Kaeshi Waza
128. . Combination or faking technique: Renraku Waza
129. Four comers (as in pins): Shiho
130. I surrender! : Maitta
131. Forms of gripping an opponent: Kumi Kata
132. Normal: Name
133. Reverse: Gyaku
134. Cross : Kata
135. Arm: Ude
136. Armpit: Wake
Sankyu stop here
Nikyu and up continue
137. First degree black belt: Shodan
138. Second degree black belt: Nidan
139. Third degree black belt: Sandan
140. Fourth degree black belt: Yodan
141. Fifth degree black belt: Godan
142. Sixth degree black belt: Rokudan
143. Seventh degree black belt: Shichidan
144. Eighth degree black belt: Hachidan
145. Ninth degree black belt: Kudan
146. Tenth degree black belt: Judan
147. Twelfth degree black belt (held only by Dr. Kano): Junidan
148. Loss of any type: Make
149. Win of any type: Gachi
150. Win by forfeit or default of the opponent before Fusen Gachi
a match:
151. Win by withdrawal of the opponent during Kiken Gachi
a match:
152. Combination win by adding a one half point from a Sogo Gachi
violation and one waza-ari:
153. Slight superiority (contest call): Yusei Gachi
154. Side of the dojo or tournament mat reserved for senior Joseki
judoka or officials:
155. Cross arm lock : Juji gatame
156. Entangle: Garame
157. Formal forms of throwing: Nage No Kata
158. Formal forms of holding: Katame No Kata
159. Formal forms of gentleness: Ju No Kata
160. Formal forms of self-defense: Goshinjitsu No Kata
161. Formal forms of decision: Kime No Kata
162. Ancient forms: Kushihi No Kata
163. Forms of five: Itsutsu No Kata
164. Past master of judo (title traditionally applied Shihan
only to Dr. Kano):
Nikyu stop here
Ikkyu and up continue
165. Mutual benefit & welfare: Jita Kyoei
166. Maximum efficiency: Seiryioko Zenyo
167. “Winner stays up” team contest: Kohaku Shiai
168. Man-for-man, or elimination tournament: Tentori Shiai
169. Methods of resuscitation used in judo: Kappo
170. Illegal act of entwining the leg of an opponent: Kawazu Gake
171. Contest area: Shiaijo
172. Referee: Shimpan
173. To float or floating: Uki
174. Lift: Tsuri
175. Pull: Komi
176. Lift-pull action: Tsuri Komi
177. Defense (to an attack): Bogyo
178. Escape (as from a pin): Fusegi
179. Entry methods into matwork: Hairi Kata
180. Body: Tai
181. Thigh: Mata
182. Rear, behind (as in throwing and pinning): Ushiro
183. Reverse side, back: Ura
184. Pivoting or turning the body: Tai Sabaki
185. Single handed: Katate
186. Double handed: Ryote
187. Both hands: Morote
188. Avoiding or evasive action: Sukashi
189. A little: Sukoshi
190. Same side gripping (right vs right, left vs left): Ai Yotsu
191. Opposite side gripping (right vs left): Kenka Yotsu
192. Pulling or locking hand (usually sleeve hand): Hikite
193. Power or drawing hand (usually lapel hand): Tsurite
194. Red (used to differentiate players in a match): Aka
195. White (used to differentiate players In a match): Shiro
196. Time! (referee’s call): Jikan
197. Decision or decisiveness (as in thinking fast): Kime
198. To drop: Otoshi
Ikkyu stop here
Shodan and above stop here