In 2012, the Friendship Judo Tournament, an idea developed by Derick Wellman, has taken on a different persona. Once a small in house judo tournament amongst the members of White Dragon Judo Club, other judo clubs around the Saint Louis metro area have participated in this event. The tournament is directed towards young junior judokas. This gives the judoka an opportunity to compete and have a better understanding of tournament judo (shiai). The fees are very inexpensive, the kids get a lot of matches and most important the kids have a lot of fun. Every judoka gets a medal for their participation in this tournament. All of the medals are the same color because everyone wins. In 2013 White Dragon Judo Club will have about 5 of these types of tournaments. Several judo clubs around the Saint Louis area have express their interest, participation, and some will host the Friendship Judo Tournament. What an evolution! Stay posted to the website and Facebook on when the next Friendship Judo Tournament is. Have fun and we will see you on the mat in 2013.
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