White Dragon Judo Club got March madness started on the right leg with Promotion Night on Wednesday, March 2, 2016. With rank examiner Randy Pierce presiding, Eric Fink and Anthony Weeks were promoted to Nikkyu second degree brown belt. They are the second and third judokas promoted to this rank this year. Eric Fink has been in judo for six years. The Gateway Judo Tournament silver medalist worked hard every practice to make himself better on and off the mat. Anthony Weeks is a great example of a family that throws together stays together. The fighting patriarch of TEAM 3D, Anthony got into judo in order to keep up with his sons, Anthony and Ryland. He has contributed to the growth of judo as a parent, volunteer, coach and youth instructor. Eric and Anthony are just a few budding faces of White Dragon Judo Club that will be black belts one day.
Promotion Night March 2, 2016
Posted by dsmith
on March 20, 2016
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