Randy Pierce was the special guest instructor for judo class on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Sensei Pierce has assisted White Dragon Judo Club with good instruction for their referees, tournament coordinators, and judokas. Pierce has been in judo for over 50 years. The Rokudan has competed in over 2000 judo matches and has over 1000 victories. For Wednesday’s class, Sensei Pierce demonstrated one of his favorite techniques. Harai goshi or hip sweep is a technique that Sensei Pierce often won a majority of his judo matches. In Wednesday’s practice, demonstrated the fundamentals of the throw. He also showed crafty and practical combinations to the technique. He also displayed his secrets to the success of the judo technique. It was a fun class and everyone picked up some good judo instruction.
Randy Pierce Judo Class 2014
Posted by dsmith
on November 10, 2014
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