White Dragon Judo Club hosted their annual Holiday Party on January 14, 2012. Parents and judokas of all ages attended this event. The event displayed tons of food and drink for everyone. There were games for the kids to play and the parents had an opportunity to get to know the teachers and fellow judokas of the club. This event was a time to reflect on last years achievements and this year’s future goals. White Dragon Judo Club has gone from a small dojo on Lackland Road to a one of the top judo dojos in the state of Missouri. The club is beginning to expand and spread the martial art of Judo all over the state. This could not be possible without the assistance of the members and parents of this judo club. We at White Dragon Judo Club would like to wish you and your families a happy and prosperous new year.
White Dragon Judo Club Holiday Party 2012
Posted by dsmith
on February 14, 2012
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